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99 results
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • A message about how AIDS is not spread including illustrations of a woman with a mosquito bite to a person coughing and sneezing; an AIDS prevention advertisement from Zimbabwe. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Two heads with decorative headpieces representing a man and woman as part of a statement about HIV and AIDS in Indonesia; by Epoch (Enabling Private Organization to Combat HIV/AIDS with support from The Ford Foundation and Hotline Surya. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • Precautions to prevent the spread of AIDS with illustrations; an advertisement by the National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone. Lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Illustrations showing how AIDS is spread including two naked figures for sexual intercourse, a man being injected with infected blood, an infected woman during pregnancy and an infected blood transfusion; an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • A woman and child caring for a man sick with AIDS in bed with further illustrations demonstrating how to protect from and prevent AIDS; an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • Illustrations showing how AIDS is spread including two naked figures for sexual intercourse, a man being injected with infected blood, an infected woman during pregnancy and an infected blood transfusion; an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme (French version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • A woman and child caring for a man sick with AIDS in bed with further illustrations demonstrating how to protect from and prevent AIDS (French version); an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • Four illustrations demonstrating ways in which you can not get AIDS from; an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme (French version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • Four illustrations demonstrating ways in which you can not get AIDS from (French version); an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • A nurse points to an illustrated list of ways in which AIDS can be prevented and how it is transmitted by the Fundasida, Department of AIDS control, Ministry of Health, Costa Rica. Colour lithograph1995.
  • A smiling face above an unhappy face representing how people react when AIDS is and is not transmitted; with the AIDS red ribbon by the Fundasida, Department of AIDS control, Ministry of Health, Costa Rica. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Grey and white circular marks representing the HIV virus with a list of ways in which the virus is and is not transmitted; an advertisement by the Generalitat de Cataluyna Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An HIV virus cell representing an information sheet on AIDS and how it is spread with numerous smaller illustrations and text; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Voluntary Health Association of India. Colour lithograph by Stephen Marazzi, ca. 1995.
  • An illustrated AIDS prevention information sheet showing how HIV is and is not spread by the Papua New Guinea Department of Health. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A dentist and nurse tending a patient in a chair, a woman holding up a test tube filled with blood and three surgeons in green coats and face masks; a warning about the dangers of contaminated blood and transmission of the AIDS disease. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Two line-drawn fishing boats with large fishing nets capturing a decorative circular object (the HIV virus structure) in between a sequence of illustrations demonstrating how the HIV virus can and can't be transmitted; an AIDS warning issued by the Gipuzkoako Hies Kontrako Elkarte Hiritarra Asociacion Ciudadana Anti-SIDA de Gipuzkoa. Colour lithograph by Xabi, 1993.
  • A fact sheet about AIDS and HIV to mark 1st December 1991, World AIDS Day by the World Health Organization Global Program to Fight AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1991.
  • A non-reusable syringe, with a warning about the risks of contracting diseases like AIDS, hepatitis and septicemia by reusing syringes. Colour lithograph by the Ministere della Sanità supported by Italian Pharmacy Federations, ca. 1995.
  • A message about the fear of being HIV positive with an illustrated table of the risks of contamination and the means of protection; an advertisement by l'Agence de Prevention du SIDA Lutte Contre l'Exclusion des Seropositifs. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An illustrated fact sheet about AIDS and HIV with illustrations explaining the 3 routes of transmission of the disease, how HIV is not spread and what to do if a classmate has HIV; an advertisement designed by the Government Information Services, Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An illustrated fact sheet about AIDS and HIV with illustrations explaining the 3 routes of transmission of the disease, how HIV is not spread and what to do if a classmate has HIV; an advertisement designed by the Government Information Services, Hong Kong (larger version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An enlarged view of the HIV virus with a list of ten points about how the virus is transmitted. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • Fifty years in public health : a personal narrative with comments / by Sir Arthur Newsholme.
  • Fourteen illustrated instructions in Basque on the necessity of taking precautions when handling blood or fluids contaminated with blood to avoid transmitting HIV, hepatitis B and other related infections; an advertisement for AIDS prevention by the Eusko Jaurlaritza Gobierno Vasco. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • An information sheet about an anti-AIDS poster exhibition designed and produced by Artis as part of a collaboration with the Unesco/WHO AIDS prevention education programme; with explanation about the risk of contamination from infected blood. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990's.